Our passion for home design runs deep. After working on homes in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin, we've learned a great deal about the best opportunities that a given site and climate can offer to make a house special. Each site is unique with endless opportunities. Working closely with our clients, we develop conceptual ideas into schematic designs that are elegant and appropriate in their expression. Always open to inspiration, our goal is nothing less than to find magic in the ordinary and bring that into the world.
Case Study Proposal 08 | The Estate
After working on some very large homes, a few recent projects have suggested another way to develop land. Rather than build one very large home, perhaps a series of smaller buildings, each with its individual discrete program, could be more appropriate. Similar to European estates from the 18th and 19th centuries, we decided to explore what a contemporary version of this model could look like. The outcome has generated as many questions as it did answers and the possibilities of these individual structures are as intriguing as the spaces in between and what purpose they may serve. Gathering spaces, orchards, groves, and walking paths weave together to form a fabric for the overall plan.
Case Study Proposal 01
This conceptual project stems from an idea for urban lots. Placing the driveway under the building, the living quarters float in the air providing both views and privacy.
Case Study Proposal 04
A study of the classic prairie style home from the midwest of the United States has provided insights into an updated prototype for the 21st century.
Case Study Proposal 02
Essentially a courtyard home, this proposal is a symphony of geometry, materials, spaces, and light. It is a study in the unexpected and the opportunities that a simple plan can offer.
Case Study Proposal 05
With so many narrow infill lots in metropolitan areas, we're interested in how to create a beautiful home while venturing into forms that are rarely seen. This result is a little unexpected..
Case Study Proposal 03
We're fans of many traditional homes and styles. This house draws on the best of southern and northern designs with a fresh infusion of modern interiors. The best of all worlds!
Case Study Proposal 06
The traditional Japanese home was the original inspiration for modern architecture. Intensely sensitive to the human experience, atmospheric qualities and visual harmony stimulate the senses.
Modern Home for the Rural Landscape 01
A new home concept for the Minnesota countryside! The horizontal lines and orientation of windows and the roof accentuate the relationship between this home and its site.
Jericho Road Remodel
This is a very exciting remodel that transforms an existing single level home typical from the 1970s into a work of architecture! The result is a product of wonderful collaboration with clients and builder.